Luciano luna compositor
Luciano luna compositor

luciano luna compositor

Many of the featured theses are also available in the “free download” formats, and where such an access is possible, special links are provided. Those can be considered a degree related performance recitals, and thus are not the works suitable for this category. All of these formats are – and will be included, with the exception of sole “Performance Theses” when they come without a written content. In addition, this listing also reflects a modern trend in the academe, where the term “thesis” does any longer imply only a traditional scholarly research book format, but encompasses the compositions, performances or any combination of audio-visual and/or printed work for a particular degree. However, the goal is to eventually incorporate all the entries from the national databases as well. The foundation of this listing is the WorldCat – the world’s biggest online database. The primary purpose of this catalog thus is to be a comprehensive research tool for scholars, educators, professionals and students who wish to explore the current state of knowledge in the ever-widening field of bass expertise. Thus beside the traditional dissertations on the classical bass performance and pedagogy, you may also note a variety of other works that feature topics such as organology, acoustics, jazz, national / folk music, and the electric bass. Featured are all the historic and contemporary forms of theses that are extant. “Dissertations & Theses” page is created to serve as a reference source for all academic works in the field of bass scholarship, ranging from the level of High School project theses to the comprehensive Doctoral Dissertation works.

Luciano luna compositor